Plans for publishing
I’m currently sending out queries/submissions to literary agents/publishers to see if I can pique some interest. If not, I’ll self-publish! Thankfully, I have 10 years of book-formatting experience which is coming in handy! As I know more about which route I’ll take, I’ll post updates on when the books will eventually be released. I’ve already…
Book One Available to ARC Readers
Book 1, Hidden in Broad Daylight is now available to read and review for free on Booksprout to a limited number of readers. Thank you in advance to anyone who takes part in ARC reading and leaves a review. Reading and Reviewing is always free to do at Booksprout, and having reviews before I release…
Updated covers.
I wanted to have more realistic-looking faces for the characters. As of now, these are the covers I’m going with. The books will be released over the next two years.
ARC copies coming soon
I’m working on finishing up revisions on Hidden in Broad Daylight, and am planning to make it available as an ARC copy on booksprout soon.
New Book Cover Designs
Latest variation for cover for Book 1: Hidden in Broad Daylight. I’m working to get it ready to upload to booksprout for ARC readers.
New cover designs for books 1 and 2
New cover for book 1: Hidden in Broad Daylight New cover for book 2: In your Dreams
Things take time…
So, it took several months of waiting for my first query to get a response. I took a shot, aiming high. I queried a top-level agent. I knew the chances were slim, and as was most likely, my first response was a rejection. But it was more about taking the chance than anything else. Aiming…
Hurry up and wait
A week ago, I sent in my manuscript and query to one of the bigger Lit agents/agencies. I figure, aim high! The worst they can do is say no! So, now I wait.
Querying this week
Am going to try to query some literary agents this week, so wish me luck! If I don’t get any nibbles relatively quickly, I’ll just self-publish.
Role playing game update
I had dinner with friends Friday, including Nicky Rae (a list of her work with White Wolf Games, but has also worked on other systems). Sounds like we’re going to go ahead and look into the RPG option. She thinks my ‘universe’ has good potential as a game, so we’ll start on that soon! She’s…
Possible RPG game
The woman who’s been mentoring me and acting as an editor/proofreader for me for the last two years recently suggested turning it into a role-playing game in addition to publishing my books. Nicky Rae has been in the RPG writing business for decades, even working on D&D, Star Wars, Star Trek RPG, and several titles…